Dec 1, 2007

February 14-15-16

MISSION & OBJECTIVE The NYC Downtown Short Film Festival is a program of DUO Multi Cultural Arts Center a (501 c3) non-profit organization located at 62 East 4th Street in New York City's East Village. The mission of DUO is to create, promote and celebrate multi cultural arts through theater, music, dance and film.

ABOUT THE FESTIVAL Welcome to the 4th 2008 NYC Downtown Short Film Festival(NYCDSFF). The Festival takes place the same week as the Tribeca Film Festival, a time in our city when New Yorkers and visitors have "film festival" on the brain.For the past three years our screenings have been sold out events. In response to the number of New Yorkers who have expressed an interest in attending these screenings and the increasing number of films submitted, the NYCDSFF is changing the way we receive submissions to our festival and how we screen those films.The NYCDSFF will now have a year-long rolling deadline, submissions will be accepted from June-May of each year. As films are received, they will be screened for technical proficiency and we will present monthly screenings of those film accepted. At each screening, audience members along with our screening staff will be given comment cards and asked to rate each film. The NYCDSFF will tally the results and the highest rated films from each screening will then be invited to participate in the 4th 2008 NYC Downtown Short Film Festival which will take place May 2008.We believe these changes will better serve the needs of short film makers and audiences who want to see these new innovative, challenging and exciting films. One must never underestimate the power of screening a new film for a NYC audience.

To submit a film go to: Withoutabox